
The Home of Sjoelen in the UK

Sjoelen UK is a new organisation dedicated to promoting the playing of Sjoelen (Dutch Shuffleboard or Jakkolo) in the United Kingdom.

We love this game and we think you will too, so take a look at our helpful resources, learn the rules and sign up to our mailing list to keep in touch on everything to do with this wonderful sport!

What is Sjoelen?

Sjoelen is a table game that originated in the Netherlands. It has similarities with other shuffleboard games, bar billiards and curling, but doesn’t seem to be directly related to any of them. The game is also popular in Germany, where it is known as Jakkolo. In recent years, its popularity has spread throughout Central, Eastern and Northern Europe, as well as to countries further afield, leading to a World Cup tournament taking place every two years.

The aim of the game is to slide 30 wooden discs along a board (sjoelbak) and get each one into one of the four slots at the far end. The slots have different points allocated to them and there’s an incentive to go for both low and high scoring slots – if you get a disc in each slot, you get double points for those four discs.

How to Get Involved

For now, please contact us to let us know you’re interested in playing (or already playing) and sign up to our mailing list so you’re the first to hear about our programs and activities as we develop them. We’re planning great things, but it will take us time to get there. If you’re interested in helping to run Sjoelen UK, give us a shout, extra pairs of hands would be welcome!

Inclusion and Accessibility

One of the things which drew us towards creating Sjoelen UK is the amazing opportunity for an inclusive and accessible sport. Sjoelen is a game that can be played by nearly everyone without accommodations being needed and, where they are required, they are usually quite easy to implement – a level playing field (and believe us, sjoelen really needs a level surface!!). We are committed to making sure sjoelen in the UK is accessible and inclusive, and we will be considering this commitment as we develop our programs and activities.

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