Sjoelen World Cup 2023 – Day 0

Today was a big day – the UK’s first ever sjoelen team registered at the World Cup in Beneden-Leeuwen, Netherlands! We also played our first ever international match, against the lovely Sonja and Robert Pick from Team Suriname. We lost – but it was a hard fought match and we even drew on one of the boards.

This evening saw a meeting of the head coaches, where we discussed the next two World Cups and heard about how sjoelen is developing in all the participating countries, especially in South Korea – more on that to come later.

Tomorrow, we’ll be playing in the qualifying rounds of the individual competition, and we may play again in the open pairs tournament.

Finally, we may have some exciting news about the team competition (which we aren’t currently scheduled to be playing in), so watch this space…!

Posted by sjoelenuk